This is the fourth installment in the newly created "House Legends" series (the first three releases in the series were dedicated to Kerri 'Kaoz 6:23' Chandler, Frankie Feliciano and Mood II Swing) on King Street Records which looks back at the illustrious catalogue of Eddie 'E-Z' Matos and John 'Roc' Mateo classics on the label. This incredible collection features a total of 24 of their countless classic productions including gems such as "Feel funky" (unbelievable this one dates back to 1995), "Congo deep" or "Hisa jazz". And of course their recent outings "Open minded" and "Deep afro rootz" are here as well. In short:a testament of time we consider an essential addition to the record collection of any house music lover, no matter young or old, that documents the legacy of legendary producers Eddie 'E-Z' Matos and John 'Roc' Mateo... |