4 to the Floor presents Faya ComboThe latest installment in the prestigious "4 to the Floor" series rediscovers Faya Combo, the label and passion project launched by seminal French born underground house hero DJ Gregory back in 2002. Many of the labels releases have striking afro and latin flavors, some of these releases are beyond the shadow of a doubt uncontested all time dance music classics. This mind-boggling collection features twenty-five of the best original tracks and remixes from the impressive Faya Combo back catalogue, including the heavyweight anthems "Elle" and "Tropical soundclash" and stunning remixes from the likes of Kerri Chandler, Louie Vega, Kenny Dope, Dimitri from Paris and more.


Digital Tracklist:

  1. DJ Gregory "Elle" (Original Mix)
  2. DJ Gregory "Tropical Soundclash" (Original Mix)
  3. DJ Gregory "And"
  4. DJ Gregory "Attend 1" (Original Mix)
  5. DJ Gregory "Labyrinthe" (Beat)
  6. Carinhoso Project "Hypnose" (Original Mix)
  7. DJ Gregory "Don't Panic" (Gregory & Karizma Dub)
  8. DJ Gregory "Don’t Know Malendro" (Dim’s Re-Edit)
  9. DJ Gregory "Head 2" (Main Mix)
  10. DJ Gregory "And" (Kerri Chandler Remix)
  11. DJ Gregory "Solaris" (Main)
  12. DJ Gregory "Traffic"
  13. DJ Gregory "You Moove"
  14. DJ Gregory "Klappa"
  15. DJ Gregory "Attend 1" (Yass Remix)
  16. DJ Gregory "Triby"
  17. DJ Gregory "Afromobile"
  18. DJ Gregory "Elle" (EOL Ritual)
  19. DJ Gregory "Vasefa"
  20. DJ Gregory "Tribylendro"
  21. DJ Gregory "The Joburg Theme" (Silvano Taunboq Remix)
  22. DJ Gregory "Tropical Soundclash" (K-Dope Dub)
  23. DJ Gregory "Don't Panic" (Karizma Main Remix)
  24. DJ Gregory "Elle" (Criola Remix)
  25. DJ Gregory "S2" (Tiger Stripes Remix)