Heather Johnson - More happinessFor over twenty years, Heather Johnson has been blessing us with her unmatched angelic voice, notably she has been the featured vocalist on numerous house music classics. KingStreet celebrate the acclaimed vocalist with a towering compilation which includes both past and present remixes of tracks taken from her 2009 album "Happiness"as well as some of her critically acclaimed Ananda Project anthems from the likes of Louie Vega, ReelSoul, Sean McCabe, Jihad Muhammad, Alix Alvarez, Frankie Feliciano, Cee ElAssaad, Danny Clark, DJ Kawasaki, Joe Claussell, Steal Vybe, Tomo Inoue, Fanatix, Masaki Morii, Muthafunkaz, Satoshi Fumi and Chris Brann. The cherry on top are brand new remixes of Wahses over me" by Shane D, "Love is stronger than pride" by Fizzikx and "Kiss kiss kiss" by Kyle Kim.