Spirit of House Guestbook
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Wednesday, 10 February 2010
Sylvia Simone
Thank You!!!
Monday, 08 February 2010
reese 60615 WCYD? dhp.com
stay in business. i need your advice. 4 beers. reese 60615, WCYD? chicago,illinois. dhp.com
Friday, 08 January 2010
Cool mix again..look forward to another yr of your website...
Wednesday, 06 January 2010
Your mixes are amazing! I've been a fan for already 8 years and your work shaped my music taste quite a lot =D Thanks for the quality work, keep it up and have a wonderful 2010!
Saturday, 02 January 2010
thanks a lot-great job!! wish you the best #greetings from Greece#
Thursday, 10 December 2009
The Cash Morgan
I do sincerely regard Micheal the most underated DJ. in history. And we his fans simply love him. Best Regards from; The Cash Morgan
Tuesday, 08 December 2009
reese 60615
micheal, first off i'd like to say you a great talent. i like the website and it is very informative. your two hour set are awesome. as a member over at DHP i discovered a set months ago. i continue to be a fan and you are certainly one of my favorite. here's a beer. thanks reese 60615 deephousepage.com
Thursday, 03 December 2009
mix 549 was the bomb. so sexy!
Monday, 09 November 2009
how do u create an account
Sunday, 05 July 2009
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