- Details
- Written by: Mike Fossati
Michael Fossati
- Soul Oasis presents K. Joy "Butterflyz" (CyberJamz Records CD Promo)
- BSC featuring Andre "Eu soul" (Grooveland Music CD-R)
- Various "The Jaffa Music EP" (Jaffa Music Records CD Promo)
- Stacey Mallory featuring Gerideau "Changes" (Iwanai Music Records CD Promo)
- DJ Kulbir featuring Daniel Thomas "Once I've been there" (Feelin' Music Records CD Promo)
- Jonny Montana presents Claude Bain "Seasons" (Camio Records CD Promo)
- DJN Project and Duo Deep "Have a nice day" (Baldeloox Records CD Promo)
- Thomas Toccafondi featuring Robina "Keep the faith" (Gordon and Cardell Records CD Promo)
- Alex Finkin & Reverend P featuring Jocelyn Mathieu "Can't get enough" (Animal House Records CD Promo)
- Ralf GUM "Uniting Summer EP" (GoGo Music Records CD Promo)
- Kenny Thomas "Keep the fires burning" (DJ Meme Remix)(Soul Fi Records CD Promo)
- Natty "July" (Masterbuilders Remix)(CD-R)
- Panevino & O-Jam "Contigo O Sin Ti" (Panevino Music Records CD Promo)
- Lukeshara "Glowind" (Deeper Shades Records CD Promo)
- Joe Rizla "Donna di mondo" (Black Keys Music Records CD Promo)
- UPZ "Remixed" (soWHAT Records CD Promo)
- Ike Therry presents TDL & Capasso "Cadillac car" (Parts 1 + 2)(Purple Music Records 2xCD Promo)
- Patrick Green featuring Nimba Burr "Qua tanka" (Remixes)(SofiTone Records CD Promo)
- Pablo Angel "The circle" / "Tribal leaders" (JakDat Records CD Promo)
- DJ Spinna featuring Tricia Angus "Living my life" (Papa Records CD Promo)
- 280 West featuring Diamond Temple "I never knew" (Abicah Soul & Tony Loreto Remixes)(Phuture Sole Records CD Promo)
- DJ Dealer featuring Lisa Millett "Speak to me" (Look-At-You Records CD Promo)
- Hanna Hais "I love America" (ATAL Music Records CD Promo)
- Various "Summer Vibes Sampler" (CodeRed Records CD Promo)
- Elements of Life featuring Lisa Fischer & Cindy Mizelle "Into my life" (Vega Records Digital Download)
- Kentphonik featuring Khensy "Hiya Kaya EP" (Stalwart Records CD Promo)
- Heather Johnson "Pretty" (Mark Grant Mixes)(Loveslap Records CD Promo)
- James Deron "The E.P." (Purple Music Tracks Records CD Promo)
- Man-X featuring Albert Menendez & Carolyn Harding "Heaven" (Sunset Nights Dub)(DeepHaven Music Records CD-R)
- Mass Destruction featuring Terisa Griffin "Stressed out" (Ill Friction Records CD Promo)
- Selegna "Away" (Shines Records CD Promo)
- The Thompson Project featuring Gary L. "Messin' with my mind" (Remixes)(SoulFuric Records CD Promo)
- Jephte Guillaume featuring Wiltrud Weber "Blue and deep" (Tet Kale Records CD Promo)
- Danny Clark & Jay Benham featuring Angie Brown "Attracted to you" (Hermosa Records CD Promo)
- Darryl D'Bonneau "Say you're gonna stay" (JellyBean Soul Records CD Promo)
- Bunny Mack "Let me love you" (Defected Records CD Promo)
- Soul Oasis presents Cloud 9 "The Awakening EP" (CyberJamz Records CD Promo)
- Ananda Project featuring Heather Johnson "Let love fly" (Joe Claussell Remix)(NiteGroove Records CD Promo)
- Andy Holder featuring Erik Dillard "Jump for joy" (Barcoda Records CD Promo)
- Rasmir "Welcome 2 my club" (Mantree Records CD Promo)
- Details
- Written by: Mike Fossati
Michael Fossati
- Stacey Mallory featuring Gerideau "Changes" (Iwanai Music Records CD Promo)
- BSC featuring Andre "Eu soul" (Grooveland Music CD-R)
- Various "The Jaffa Music EP" (Jaffa Music Records CD Promo)
- DJ Kulbir featuring Daniel Thomas "Once I've been there" (Feelin' Music Records CD Promo)
- DJN Project and Duo Deep "Have a nice day" (Baldeloox Records CD Promo)
- Jonny Montana presents Claude Bain "Seasons" (Camio Records CD Promo)
- Thomas Toccafondi featuring Robina "Keep the faith" (Gordon and Cardell Records CD Promo)
- Alex Finkin & Reverend P featuring Jocelyn Mathieu "Can't get enough" (Animal House Records CD Promo)
- DJ Spinna featuring Tricia Angus "Living my life" (Papa Records CD Promo)
- Kenny Thomas "Keep the fires burning" (DJ Meme Remix)(Soul Fi Records CD Promo)
- Panevino & O-Jam "Contigo O Sin Ti" (Panevino Music Records CD Promo)
- Ralf GUM "Uniting Summer EP" (GoGo Music Records CD Promo)
- Patrick Green featuring Nimba Burr "Qua tanka" (Remixes)(SofiTone Records CD Promo)
- UPZ "Remixed" (soWHAT Records CD Promo)
- Natty "July" (Masterbuilders Remix)(CD-R)
- DJ Dealer featuring Lisa Millett "Speak to me" (Look-At-You Records CD Promo)
- Man-X featuring Albert Menendez & Carolyn Harding "Heaven" (Sunset Nights Dub)(DeepHaven Music Records CD-R)
- Mass Destruction featuring Terisa Griffin "Stressed out" (Ill Friction Records CD Promo)
- Joe Rizla "Donna di mondo" (Black Keys Music Records CD Promo)
- 280 West featuring Diamond Temple "I never knew" (Abicah Soul & Tony Loreto Remixes)(Phuture Sole Records CD Promo)
- Hanna Hais "I love America" (ATAL Music Records CD Promo)
- Various "Summer Vibes Sampler" (CodeRed Records CD Promo)
- Elements of Life featuring Lisa Fischer & Cindy Mizelle "Into my life" (Vega Records Digital Download)
- Kentphonik featuring Khensy "Hiya Kaya EP" (Stalwart Records CD Promo)
- Heather Johnson "Pretty" (Mark Grant Mixes)(Loveslap Records CD Promo)
- James Deron "The E.P." (Purple Music Tracks Records CD Promo)
- Selegna "Away" (Shines Records CD Promo)
- Soul Oasis presents Cloud 9 "The Awakening EP" (CyberJamz Records CD Promo)
- The Thompson Project featuring Gary L. "Messin' with my mind" (Remixes)(SoulFuric Records CD Promo)
- Jephte Guillaume featuring Wiltrud Weber "Blue and deep" (Tet Kale Records CD Promo)
- Danny Clark & Jay Benham featuring Angie Brown "Attracted to you" (Hermosa Records CD Promo)
- Darryl D'Bonneau "Say you're gonna stay" (JellyBean Soul Records CD Promo)
- Bunny Mack "Let me love you" (Defected Records CD Promo)
- Ananda Project featuring Heather Johnson "Let love fly" (Joe Claussell Remix)(NiteGroove Records CD Promo)
- Andy Holder featuring Erik Dillard "Jump for joy" (Barcoda Records CD Promo)
- Rasmir "Welcome 2 my club" (Mantree Records CD Promo)
- DJ Pap featuring Cei Bei "It's the music" (Raisani Records CD Promo)
- VisionX "La musica" (ReelGroove Records CD Promo)
- Naked Soul featuring Glenn Underground "Muzic EP" (Music Plan Tracks Records CD Promo)
- Souldynamic & DJ Roland Clark "Make a choice" (Tempogroove Records CD Promo)
- Details
- Written by: Mike Fossati
Michael Fossati
- Various "The Jaffa Music EP" (Jaffa Music Records CD Promo)
- BSC featuring Andre "Eu soul" (Grooveland Music CD-R)
- Stacey Mallory featuring Gerideau "Changes" (Iwanai Music Records CD Promo)
- DJ Kulbir featuring Daniel Thomas "Once I've been there" (Feelin' Music Records CD Promo)
- DJ Spinna featuring Tricia Angus "Living my life" (Papa Records CD Promo)
- Alex Finkin & Reverend P featuring Jocelyn Mathieu "Can't get enough" (Animal House Records CD Promo)
- Thomas Toccafondi featuring Robina "Keep the faith" (Gordon and Cardell Records CD Promo)
- Panevino & O-Jam "Contigo O Sin Ti" (Panevino Music Records CD Promo)
- Jonny Montana presents Claude Bain "Seasons" (Camio Records CD Promo)
- UPZ "Remixed" (soWHAT Records CD Promo)
- Kenny Thomas "Keep the fires burning" (DJ Meme Remix)(Soul Fi Records CD Promo)
- Patrick Green featuring Nimba Burr "Qua tanka" (Remixes)(SofiTone Records CD Promo)
- Hanna Hais "I love America" (ATAL Music Records CD Promo)
- Natty "July" (Masterbuilders Remix)(CD-R)
- DJ Dealer featuring Lisa Millett "Speak to me" (Look-At-You Records CD Promo)
- Man-X featuring Albert Menendez & Carolyn Harding "Heaven" (Sunset Nights Dub)(DeepHaven Music Records CD-R)
- Mass Destruction featuring Terisa Griffin "Stressed out" (Ill Friction Records CD Promo)
- 280 West featuring Diamond Temple "I never knew" (Abicah Soul & Tony Loreto Remixes)(Phuture Sole Records CD Promo)
- Soul Oasis presents Cloud 9 "The Awakening EP" (CyberJamz Records CD Promo)
- Various "Summer Vibes Sampler" (CodeRed Records CD Promo)
- Kentphonik featuring Khensy "Hiya Kaya EP" (Stalwart Records CD Promo)
- Heather Johnson "Pretty" (Mark Grant Mixes)(Loveslap Records CD Promo)
- Bunny Mack "Let me love you" (Defected Records CD Promo)
- Ananda Project featuring Heather Johnson "Let love fly" (Joe Claussell Remix)(NiteGroove Records CD Promo)
- James Deron "The E.P." (Purple Music Tracks Records CD Promo)
- VisionX "La musica" (ReelGroove Records CD Promo)
- Jephte Guillaume featuring Wiltrud Weber "Blue and deep" (Tet Kale Records CD Promo)
- Danny Clark & Jay Benham featuring Angie Brown "Attracted to you" (Hermosa Records CD Promo)
- The Thompson Project featuring Gary L. "Messin' with my mind" (Remixes)(SoulFuric Records CD Promo)
- Selegna "Away" (Shines Records CD Promo)
- Darryl D'Bonneau "Say you're gonna stay" (JellyBean Soul Records CD Promo)
- Andy Holder featuring Erik Dillard "Jump for joy" (Barcoda Records CD Promo)
- Rasmir "Welcome 2 my club" (Mantree Records CD Promo)
- DJ Pap featuring Cei Bei "It's the music" (Raisani Records CD Promo)
- Naked Soul featuring Glenn Underground "Muzic EP" (Music Plan Tracks Records CD Promo)
- Souldynamic & DJ Roland Clark "Make a choice" (Tempogroove Records CD Promo)
- Collective Spirits "Love Planet EP " (Camio Records CD Promo)
- DJ Minx "Midnite Bullet E.P." (Women on Wax Records CD Promo)
- Haldo featuring Erika Scherlin "Come into my life" (Proceed Records CD Promo)
- Urban Dance Institution "I miss U" (Original Mix)(UDI Records CD Promo)
- Details
- Written by: Mike Fossati
Michael Fossati
- BSC featuring Andre "Eu soul" (Grooveland Music CD-R)
- DJ Kulbir featuring Daniel Thomas "Once I've been there" (Feelin' Music Records CD Promo)
- Stacey Mallory featuring Gerideau "Changes" (Iwanai Music Records CD Promo)
- Various "The Jaffa Music EP" (Jaffa Music Records CD Promo)
- Panevino & O-Jam "Contigo O Sin Ti" (Panevino Music Records CD Promo)
- UPZ "Remixed" (soWHAT Records CD Promo)
- DJ Spinna featuring Tricia Angus "Living my life" (Papa Records CD Promo)
- Thomas Toccafondi featuring Robina "Keep the faith" (Gordon and Cardell Records CD Promo)
- Alex Finkin & Reverend P featuring Jocelyn Mathieu "Can't get enough" (Animal House Records CD Promo)
- 280 West featuring Diamond Temple "I never knew" (Abicah Soul & Tony Loreto Remixes)(Phuture Sole Records CD Promo)
- Ananda Project featuring Heather Johnson "Let love fly" (Joe Claussell Remix)(NiteGroove Records CD Promo)
- Man-X featuring Albert Menendez & Carolyn Harding "Heaven" (Sunset Nights Dub)(DeepHaven Music Records CD-R)
- Soul Oasis presents Cloud 9 "The Awakening EP" (CyberJamz Records CD Promo)
- Patrick Green featuring Nimba Burr "Qua tanka" (Remixes)(SofiTone Records CD Promo)
- DJ Dealer featuring Lisa Millett "Speak to me" (Look-At-You Records CD Promo)
- Hanna Hais "I love America" (ATAL Music Records CD Promo)
- Kentphonik featuring Khensy "Hiya Kaya EP" (Stalwart Records CD Promo)
- Mass Destruction featuring Terisa Griffin "Stressed out" (Ill Friction Records CD Promo)
- Various "Summer Vibes Sampler" (CodeRed Records CD Promo)
- VisionX "La musica" (ReelGroove Records CD Promo)
- Darryl D'Bonneau "Say you're gonna stay" (JellyBean Soul Records CD Promo)
- Bunny Mack "Let me love you" (Defected Records CD Promo)
- Selegna "Away" (Shines Records CD Promo)
- James Deron "The E.P." (Purple Music Tracks Records CD Promo)
- Danny Clark & Jay Benham featuring Angie Brown "Attracted to you" (Hermosa Records CD Promo)
- The Thompson Project featuring Gary L. "Messin' with my mind" (Remixes)(SoulFuric Records CD Promo)
- Heather Johnson "Pretty" (Mark Grant Mixes)(Loveslap Records CD Promo)
- Naked Soul featuring Glenn Underground "Muzic EP" (Music Plan Tracks Records CD Promo)
- Andy Holder featuring Erik Dillard "Jump for joy" (Barcoda Records CD Promo)
- Jephte Guillaume featuring Wiltrud Weber "Blue and deep" (Tet Kale Records CD Promo)
- Rasmir "Welcome 2 my club" (Mantree Records CD Promo)
- DJ Pap featuring Cei Bei "It's the music" (Raisani Records CD Promo)
- Souldynamic & DJ Roland Clark "Make a choice" (Tempogroove Records CD Promo)
- Collective Spirits "Love Planet EP " (Camio Records CD Promo)
- DJ Minx "Midnite Bullet E.P." (Women on Wax Records CD Promo)
- Haldo featuring Erika Scherlin "Come into my life" (Proceed Records CD Promo)
- Urban Dance Institution "I miss U" (Original Mix)(UDI Records CD Promo)
- Dalminjo featuring Lenny Hamilton "I'll wait" (Papa Records CD Promo)
- Deepswing featuring Will Wheaton "Come on everybody" (Generate Music Records CD Promo)
- DJ Reeplee featuring Kenny Bobien "Raise up" (Souvent Records CD Promo)
- Details
- Written by: Mike Fossati
Michael Fossati
- BSC featuring Andre "Eu soul" (Grooveland Music CD-R)
- DJ Kulbir featuring Daniel Thomas "Once I've been there" (Feelin' Music Records CD Promo)
- Stacey Mallory featuring Gerideau "Changes" (Iwanai Music Records CD Promo)
- Panevino & O-Jam "Contigo O Sin Ti" (Panevino Music Records CD Promo)
- Ananda Project featuring Heather Johnson "Let love fly" (Joe Claussell Remix)(NiteGroove Records CD Promo)
- Man-X featuring Albert Menendez & Carolyn Harding "Heaven" (Sunset Nights Dub)(DeepHaven Music Records CD-R)
- UPZ "Remixed" (soWHAT Records CD Promo)
- 280 West featuring Diamond Temple "I never knew" (Abicah Soul & Tony Loreto Remixes)(Phuture Sole Records CD Promo)
- Kentphonik featuring Khensy "Hiya Kaya EP" (Stalwart Records CD Promo)
- Soul Oasis presents Cloud 9 "The Awakening EP" (CyberJamz Records CD Promo)
- Danny Clark & Jay Benham featuring Angie Brown "Attracted to you" (Hermosa Records CD Promo)
- Patrick Green featuring Nimba Burr "Qua tanka" (Remixes)(SofiTone Records CD Promo)
- DJ Dealer featuring Lisa Millett "Speak to me" (Look-At-You Records CD Promo)
- Hanna Hais "I love America" (ATAL Music Records CD Promo)
- Mass Destruction featuring Terisa Griffin "Stressed out" (Ill Friction Records CD Promo)
- Various "Summer Vibes Sampler" (CodeRed Records CD Promo)
- VisionX "La musica" (ReelGroove Records CD Promo)
- Darryl D'Bonneau "Say you're gonna stay" (JellyBean Soul Records CD Promo)
- Naked Soul featuring Glenn Underground "Muzic EP" (Music Plan Tracks Records CD Promo)
- Selegna "Away" (Shines Records CD Promo)
- James Deron "The E.P." (Purple Music Tracks Records CD Promo)
- The Thompson Project featuring Gary L. "Messin' with my mind" (Remixes)(SoulFuric Records CD Promo)
- Bunny Mack "Let me love you" (Defected Records CD Promo)
- Andy Holder featuring Erik Dillard "Jump for joy" (Barcoda Records CD Promo)
- DJ Minx "Midnite Bullet E.P." (Women on Wax Records CD Promo)
- Rasmir "Welcome 2 my club" (Mantree Records CD Promo)
- DJ Pap featuring Cei Bei "It's the music" (Raisani Records CD Promo)
- Souldynamic & DJ Roland Clark "Make a choice" (Tempogroove Records CD Promo)
- Jephte Guillaume featuring Wiltrud Weber "Blue and deep" (Tet Kale Records CD Promo)
- Collective Spirits "Love Planet EP " (Camio Records CD Promo)
- Heather Johnson "Pretty" (Mark Grant Mixes)(Loveslap Records CD Promo)
- Haldo featuring Erika Scherlin "Come into my life" (Proceed Records CD Promo)
- Urban Dance Institution "I miss U" (Original Mix)(UDI Records CD Promo)
- Dalminjo featuring Lenny Hamilton "I'll wait" (Papa Records CD Promo)
- Deepswing featuring Will Wheaton "Come on everybody" (Generate Music Records CD Promo)
- DJ Reeplee featuring Kenny Bobien "Raise up" (Souvent Records CD Promo)
- Haldo featuring Erika Scherlin "Come into my life" (Proceed Records CD Promo)
- Wil Milton & Rodney Carter "Don't let go" (BlakInk Records CD Promo)
- Matthew Bandy "Human" (Revival Records CD Promo)
- Back To Fundamentals by Torre "Higher" (SSOH Records CD Promo)
- Details
- Written by: Mike Fossati
Michael Fossati
- Stacey Mallory featuring Gerideau "Changes" (Iwanai Music Records CD Promo)
- DJ Kulbir featuring Daniel Thomas "Once I've been there" (Feelin' Music Records CD Promo)
- Panevino & O-Jam "Contigo O Sin Ti" (Panevino Music Records CD Promo)
- Ananda Project featuring Heather Johnson "Let love fly" (Joe Claussell Remix)(NiteGroove Records CD Promo)
- Kentphonik featuring Khensy "Hiya Kaya EP" (Stalwart Records CD Promo)
- Hanna Hais "I love America" (ATAL Music Records CD Promo)
- Mass Destruction featuring Terisa Griffin "Stressed out" (Ill Friction Records CD Promo)
- Man-X featuring Albert Menendez & Carolyn Harding "Heaven" (Sunset Nights Dub)(DeepHaven Music Records CD-R)
- Darryl D'Bonneau "Say you're gonna stay" (JellyBean Soul Records CD Promo)
- Patrick Green featuring Nimba Burr "Qua tanka" (Remixes)(SofiTone Records CD Promo)
- 280 West featuring Diamond Temple "I never knew" (Abicah Soul & Tony Loreto Remixes)(Phuture Sole Records CD Promo)
- Soul Oasis presents Cloud 9 "The Awakening EP" (CyberJamz Records CD Promo)
- Danny Clark & Jay Benham featuring Angie Brown "Attracted to you" (Hermosa Records CD Promo)
- James Deron "The E.P." (Purple Music Tracks Records CD Promo)
- Soul Oasis presents K. Joy "Like this" (CyberJamz Records CD Promo)
- Naked Soul featuring Glenn Underground "Muzic EP" (Music Plan Tracks Records CD Promo)
- Various "Summer Vibes Sampler" (CodeRed Records CD Promo)
- DJ Dealer featuring Charles Dockins "Joyride" (Look-At-You Records CD Promo)
- Selegna "Away" (Shines Records CD Promo)
- The Thompson Project featuring Gary L. "Messin' with my mind" (Remixes)(SoulFuric Records CD Promo)
- MD X-Spress "God made me phunky" (Remixes)(Defected Records CD Promo)
- Andy Holder featuring Erik Dillard "Jump for joy" (Barcoda Records CD Promo)
- DJ Minx "Midnite Bullet E.P." (Women on Wax Records CD Promo)
- DJ Pap featuring Cei Bei "It's the music" (Raisani Records CD Promo)
- Souldynamic & DJ Roland Clark "Make a choice" (Tempogroove Records CD Promo)
- Jephte Guillaume featuring Wiltrud Weber "Blue and deep" (Tet Kale Records CD Promo)
- Collective Spirits "Love Planet EP " (Camio Records CD Promo)
- Heather Johnson "Pretty" (Mark Grant Mixes)(Loveslap Records CD Promo)
- Rasmir "Welcome 2 my club" (Mantree Records CD Promo)
- Haldo featuring Erika Scherlin "Come into my life" (Proceed Records CD Promo)
- Dalminjo featuring Lenny Hamilton "I'll wait" (Papa Records CD Promo)
- Deepswing featuring Will Wheaton "Come on everybody" (Generate Music Records CD Promo)
- DJ Reeplee featuring Kenny Bobien "Raise up" (Souvent Records CD Promo)
- Haldo featuring Erika Scherlin "Come into my life" (Proceed Records CD Promo)
- Wil Milton & Rodney Carter "Don't let go" (BlakInk Records CD Promo)
- Bobby D'Ambrosio featuring Kelli Sae "Love forever more, Amen" (Grant Nelson Edit)(SoulFuric Records CD Promo)
- Matthew Bandy "Human" (Revival Records CD Promo)
- Back To Fundamentals by Torre "Higher" (SSOH Records CD Promo)
- Urban Dance Institution "I miss U" (Original Mix)(UDI Records CD Promo)
- Various "Good Fellas EP" (Consortium Muzik Records CD Promo)
- Details
- Written by: Mike Fossati
Michael Fossati
- Ananda Project featuring Heather Johnson "Let love fly" (Joe Claussell Remix)(NiteGroove Records CD Promo)
- Kentphonik featuring Khensy "Hiya Kaya EP" (Stalwart Records CD Promo)
- Panevino & O-Jam "Contigo O Sin Ti" (Panevino Music Records CD Promo)
- Hanna Hais "I love America" (ATAL Music Records CD Promo)
- Darryl D'Bonneau "Say you're gonna stay" (JellyBean Soul Records CD Promo)
- Patrick Green featuring Nimba Burr "Qua tanka" (Remixes)(SofiTone Records CD Promo)
- Mass Destruction featuring Terisa Griffin "Stressed out" (Ill Friction Records CD Promo)
- MD X-Spress "God made me phunky" (Remixes)(Defected Records CD Promo)
- Soul Oasis presents Cloud 9 "The Awakening EP" (CyberJamz Records CD Promo)
- Danny Clark & Jay Benham featuring Angie Brown "Attracted to you" (Hermosa Records CD Promo)
- Man-X featuring Albert Menendez & Carolyn Harding "Heaven" (Sunset Nights Dub)(DeepHaven Music Records CD-R)
- James Deron "The E.P." (Purple Music Tracks Records CD Promo)
- Soul Oasis presents K. Joy "Like this" (CyberJamz Records CD Promo)
- Naked Soul featuring Glenn Underground "Muzic EP" (Music Plan Tracks Records CD Promo)
- DJ Dealer featuring Charles Dockins "Joyride" (Look-At-You Records CD Promo)
- Selegna "Away" (Shines Records CD Promo)
- The Thompson Project featuring Gary L. "Messin' with my mind" (Remixes)(SoulFuric Records CD Promo)
- Collective Spirits "Love Planet EP " (Camio Records CD Promo)
- Andy Holder featuring Erik Dillard "Jump for joy" (Barcoda Records CD Promo)
- DJ Pap featuring Cei Bei "It's the music" (Raisani Records CD Promo)
- Souldynamic & DJ Roland Clark "Make a choice" (Tempogroove Records CD Promo)
- Dalminjo featuring Lenny Hamilton "I'll wait" (Papa Records CD Promo)
- Jephte Guillaume featuring Wiltrud Weber "Blue and deep" (Tet Kale Records CD Promo)
- DJ Minx "Midnite Bullet E.P." (Women on Wax Records CD Promo)
- DJ Reeplee featuring Kenny Bobien "Raise up" (Souvent Records CD Promo)
- Heather Johnson "Pretty" (Mark Grant Mixes)(Loveslap Records CD Promo)
- Bobby D'Ambrosio featuring Kelli Sae "Love forever more, Amen" (Grant Nelson Edit)(SoulFuric Records CD Promo)
- Haldo featuring Erika Scherlin "Come into my life" (Proceed Records CD Promo)
- Rasmir Mantree "Keep House Alive EP" (Mantree Records CD Promo)
- Deepswing featuring Will Wheaton "Come on everybody" (Generate Music Records CD Promo)
- Haldo featuring Erika Scherlin "Come into my life" (Proceed Records CD Promo)
- Wil Milton & Rodney Carter "Don't let go" (BlakInk Records CD Promo)
- Matthew Bandy "Human" (Revival Records CD Promo)
- Back To Fundamentals by Torre "Higher" (SSOH Records CD Promo)
- Urban Dance Institution "I miss U" (Original Mix)(UDI Records CD Promo)
- Various "Good Fellas EP" (Consortium Muzik Records CD Promo)
- Veronique "Veriations - the EP" (Wallshaker Music Records CD Promo)
- Eddie Nicholas "Soul resurrection" (Mantree Records CD Promo)
- Pirahnahead "Time love life" (WhasDat Music Records CD Promo)
- Arnaud D featuring Emroy "I won't last" (MoD Records CD Promo)
- Details
- Written by: Mike Fossati
Michael Fossati
- Hanna Hais "I love America" (ATAL Music Records CD Promo)
- Darryl D'Bonneau "Say you're gonna stay" (JellyBean Soul Records CD Promo)
- Kentphonik featuring Khensy "Hiya Kaya EP" (Stalwart Records CD Promo)
- MD X-Spress "God made me phunky" (Remixes)(Defected Records CD Promo)
- Ananda Project featuring Heather Johnson "Let love fly" (Joe Claussell Remix)(NiteGroove Records CD Promo)
- The Thompson Project featuring Gary L. "Messin' with my mind" (Remixes)(SoulFuric Records CD Promo)
- Soul Oasis presents Cloud 9 "The Awakening EP" (CyberJamz Records CD Promo)
- Man-X featuring Albert Menendez & Carolyn Harding "Heaven" (Sunset Nights Dub)(DeepHaven Music Records CD-R)
- DJ Pap featuring Cei Bei "It's the music" (Raisani Records CD Promo)
- Naked Soul featuring Glenn Underground "Muzic EP" (Music Plan Tracks Records CD Promo)
- Collective Spirits "Love Planet EP " (Camio Records CD Promo)
- Danny Clark & Jay Benham featuring Angie Brown "Attracted to you" (Hermosa Records CD Promo)
- Andy Holder featuring Erik Dillard "Jump for joy" (Barcoda Records CD Promo)
- DJ Dealer featuring Charles Dockins "Joyride" (Look-At-You Records CD Promo)
- Soul Oasis presents K. Joy "Like this" (CyberJamz Records CD Promo)
- Selegna "Away" (Shines Records CD Promo)
- Souldynamic & DJ Roland Clark "Make a choice" (Tempogroove Records CD Promo)
- Dalminjo featuring Lenny Hamilton "I'll wait" (Papa Records CD Promo)
- Jephte Guillaume featuring Wiltrud Weber "Blue and deep" (Tet Kale Records CD Promo)
- DJ Minx "Midnite Bullet E.P." (Women on Wax Records CD Promo)
- Bobby D'Ambrosio featuring Kelli Sae "Love forever more, Amen" (Grant Nelson Edit)(SoulFuric Records CD Promo)
- Jamie Lewis & Michael Watford "It's not over (baby please)" (Purple Music Records CD Promo)
- Rasmir Mantree "Keep House Alive EP" (Mantree Records CD Promo)
- Deepswing featuring Will Wheaton "Come on everybody" (Generate Music Records CD Promo)
- DJ Reeplee featuring Kenny Bobien "Raise up" (Souvent Records CD Promo)
- Heather Johnson "Pretty" (Mark Grant Mixes)(Loveslap Records CD Promo)
- Wil Milton & Rodney Carter "Don't let go" (BlakInk Records CD Promo)
- Matthew Bandy "Human" (Revival Records CD Promo)
- Haldo featuring Erika Scherlin "Come into my life" (Proceed Records CD Promo)
- Back To Fundamentals by Torre "Higher" (SSOH Records CD Promo)
- Urban Dance Institution "I miss U" (Original Mix)(UDI Records CD Promo)
- Various "Good Fellas EP" (Consortium Muzik Records CD Promo)
- Veronique "Veriations - the EP" (Wallshaker Music Records CD Promo)
- Eddie Nicholas "Soul resurrection" (Mantree Records CD Promo)
- Pirahnahead "Time love life" (WhasDat Music Records CD Promo)
- Arnaud D featuring Emroy "I won't last" (MoD Records CD Promo)
- DJ Dealer featuring Lisa Millett "You're all I need" (Look At You Records CD Promo)
- Sonny J Mason "Life is the music" (Salted Music Records CD Promo)
- Musical Solution presents BPM featuring Pete Simpson "Sing it" (ReelGroove Records CD Promo)
- Island Groove & Keith Thompson "Soul surrender" Waking Monster Records CD Promo)
- Details
- Written by: Mike Fossati
Michael Fossati
- Darryl D'Bonneau "Say you're gonna stay" (JellyBean Soul Records CD Promo)
- Hanna Hais "I love America" (ATAL Music Records CD Promo)
- Kentphonik featuring Khensy "Hiya Kaya EP" (Stalwart Records CD Promo)
- Soul Oasis presents K. Joy "Like this" (CyberJamz Records CD Promo)
- MD X-Spress "God made me phunky" (Remixes)(Defected Records CD Promo)
- The Thompson Project featuring Gary L. "Messin' with my mind" (Remixes)(SoulFuric Records CD Promo)
- Collective Spirits "Love Planet EP " (Camio Records CD Promo)
- Man-X featuring Albert Menendez & Carolyn Harding "Heaven" (Sunset Nights Dub)(DeepHaven Music Records CD-R)
- DJ Pap featuring Cei Bei "It's the music" (Raisani Records CD Promo)
- Naked Soul featuring Glenn Underground "Muzic EP" (Music Plan Tracks Records CD Promo)
- Souldynamic & DJ Roland Clark "Make a choice" (Tempogroove Records CD Promo)
- DJ Reeplee featuring Kenny Bobien "Raise up" (Souvent Records CD Promo)
- Danny Clark & Jay Benham featuring Angie Brown "Attracted to you" (Hermosa Records CD Promo)
- Dalminjo featuring Lenny Hamilton "I'll wait" (Papa Records CD Promo)
- Andy Holder featuring Erik Dillard "Jump for joy" (Barcoda Records CD Promo)
- Jephte Guillaume featuring Wiltrud Weber "Blue and deep" (Tet Kale Records CD Promo)
- Bobby D'Ambrosio featuring Kelli Sae "Love forever more, Amen" (Grant Nelson Edit)(SoulFuric Records CD Promo)
- Selegna "Away" (Shines Records CD Promo)
- DJ Minx "Midnite Bullet E.P." (Women on Wax Records CD Promo)
- Wil Milton & Rodney Carter "Don't let go" (BlakInk Records CD Promo)
- Deepswing featuring Will Wheaton "Come on everybody" (Generate Music Records CD Promo)
- Rasmir Mantree "Keep House Alive EP" (Mantree Records CD Promo)
- Heather Johnson "Pretty" (Mark Grant Mixes)(Loveslap Records CD Promo)
- Matthew Bandy "Human" (Revival Records CD Promo)
- Jamie Lewis & Michael Watford "It's not over (baby please)" (Purple Music Records CD Promo)
- Back To Fundamentals by Torre "Higher" (SSOH Records CD Promo)
- Urban Dance Institution "I miss U" (Original Mix)(UDI Records CD Promo)
- Various "Good Fellas EP" (Consortium Muzik Records CD Promo)
- Veronique "Veriations - the EP" (Wallshaker Music Records CD Promo)
- Eddie Nicholas "Soul resurrection" (Mantree Records CD Promo)
- DJ Dealer featuring Lisa Millett "You're all I need" (Look At You Records CD Promo)
- Pirahnahead "Time love life" (WhasDat Music Records CD Promo)
- Arnaud D featuring Emroy "I won't last" (MoD Records CD Promo)
- Sonny J Mason "Life is the music" (Salted Music Records CD Promo)
- Musical Solution presents BPM featuring Pete Simpson "Sing it" (ReelGroove Records CD Promo)
- Doobie J featuring Yvonne Yanney "Sunshine" (Citrus Sound Records CD Promo)
- Island Groove & Keith Thompson "Soul surrender" Waking Monster Records CD Promo)
- Liquid People presents Danism featuring Sean Williams "Trouble in paradise" (Tony Records CD Promo)
- Anto Vitale "Majico" (Seasons Limited Records CD Promo)
- Patrick Green featuring Manon True "L'amour" (SofiTone Records CD Promo)
- Details
- Written by: Mike Fossati
Michael Fossati
- The Thompson Project featuring Gary L. "Messin' with my mind" (Remixes)(SoulFuric Records CD Promo)
- Darryl D'Bonneau "Say you're gonna stay" (JellyBean Soul Records CD Promo)
- Hanna Hais "I love America" (ATAL Music Records CD Promo)
- Kentphonik featuring Khensy "Hiya Kaya EP" (Stalwart Records CD Promo)
- Soul Oasis presents K. Joy "Like this" (CyberJamz Records CD Promo)
- DJ Reeplee featuring Kenny Bobien "Raise up" (Souvent Records CD Promo)
- Collective Spirits "Love Planet EP " (Camio Records CD Promo)
- DJ Pap featuring Cei Bei "It's the music" (Raisani Records CD Promo)
- Naked Soul featuring Glenn Underground "Muzic EP" (Music Plan Tracks Records CD Promo)
- Souldynamic & DJ Roland Clark "Make a choice" (Tempogroove Records CD Promo)
- Dalminjo featuring Lenny Hamilton "I'll wait" (Papa Records CD Promo)
- Jephte Guillaume featuring Wiltrud Weber "Blue and deep" (Tet Kale Records CD Promo)
- Man-X featuring Albert Menendez & Carolyn Harding "Heaven" (Sunset Nights Dub)(DeepHaven Music Records CD-R)
- Wil Milton & Rodney Carter "Don't let go" (BlakInk Records CD Promo)
- Bobby D'Ambrosio featuring Kelli Sae "Love forever more, Amen" (Grant Nelson Edit)(SoulFuric Records CD Promo)
- DJ Minx "Midnite Bullet E.P." (Women on Wax Records CD Promo)
- Andy Holder featuring Erik Dillard "Jump for joy" (Barcoda Records CD Promo)
- Deepswing featuring Will Wheaton "Come on everybody" (Generate Music Records CD Promo)
- Rasmir Mantree "Keep House Alive EP" (Mantree Records CD Promo)
- Heather Johnson "Pretty" (Mark Grant Mixes)(Loveslap Records CD Promo)
- DJ Dealer featuring Lisa Millett "You're all I need" (Look At You Records CD Promo)
- Jamie Lewis & Michael Watford "It's not over (baby please)" (Purple Music Records CD Promo)
- Back To Fundamentals by Torre "Higher" (SSOH Records CD Promo)
- Urban Dance Institution "I miss U" (Original Mix)(UDI Records CD Promo)
- Various "Good Fellas EP" (Consortium Muzik Records CD Promo)
- Veronique "Veriations - the EP" (Wallshaker Music Records CD Promo)
- Ralf GUM featuring Rachel Claudio "If no harm" (GoGo Music Records CD Promo)
- Matthew Bandy "Human" (Revival Records CD Promo)
- Pirahnahead "Time love life" (WhasDat Music Records CD Promo)
- Steal Vybe "Gloria" (The Reconstructed Live Version)(Steal Vybe Records CD Promo)
- Arnaud D featuring Emroy "I won't last" (MoD Records CD Promo)
- Sonny J Mason "Life is the music" (Salted Music Records CD Promo)
- Musical Solution presents BPM featuring Pete Simpson "Sing it" (ReelGroove Records CD Promo)
- Doobie J featuring Yvonne Yanney "Sunshine" (Citrus Sound Records CD Promo)
- Island Groove & Keith Thompson "Soul surrender" Waking Monster Records CD Promo)
- Alex and Reverend P featuring Jocelyn Mathieu "Lion in a cage" (Funk La Planet Records CD Promo)
- Fuzion featuring Angel "Deeper" (Fuzion Dance Remixes)(Fuzion Records CD Promo)
- Liquid People presents Danism featuring Sean Williams "Trouble in paradise" (Tony Records CD Promo)
- Anto Vitale "Majico" (Seasons Limited Records CD Promo)
- Patrick Green featuring Manon True "L'amour" (SofiTone Records CD Promo)
- Details
- Written by: Mike Fossati
Michael Fossati
- Hanna Hais "I love America" (ATAL Music Records CD Promo)
- The Thompson Project featuring Gary L. "Messin' with my mind" (Remixes)(SoulFuric Records CD Promo)
- Soul Oasis presents K. Joy "Like this" (CyberJamz Records CD Promo)
- DJ Reeplee featuring Kenny Bobien "Raise up" (Souvent Records CD Promo)
- Collective Spirits "Love Planet EP " (Camio Records CD Promo)
- Naked Soul featuring Glenn Underground "Muzic EP" (Music Plan Tracks Records CD Promo)
- Jamie Lewis & Michael Watford "It's not over (baby please)" (Purple Music Records CD Promo)
- Dalminjo featuring Lenny Hamilton "I'll wait" (Papa Records CD Promo)
- Jephte Guillaume featuring Wiltrud Weber "Blue and deep" (Tet Kale Records CD Promo)
- Various "Good Fellas EP" (Consortium Muzik Records CD Promo)
- Man-X featuring Albert Menendez & Carolyn Harding "Heaven" (Sunset Nights Dub)(DeepHaven Music Records CD-R)
- Kentphonik featuring Khensy "Hiya Kaya EP" (Stalwart Records CD Promo)
- Wil Milton & Rodney Carter "Don't let go" (BlakInk Records CD Promo)
- DJ Minx "Midnite Bullet E.P." (Women on Wax Records CD Promo)
- Deepswing featuring Will Wheaton "Come on everybody" (Generate Music Records CD Promo)
- Urban Dance Institution "I miss U" (Original Mix)(UDI Records CD Promo)
- Heather Johnson "Pretty" (Mark Grant Mixes)(Loveslap Records CD Promo)
- DJ Dealer featuring Lisa Millett "You're all I need" (Look At You Records CD Promo)
- Back To Fundamentals by Torre "Higher" (SSOH Records CD Promo)
- Rasmir Mantree "Keep House Alive EP" (Mantree Records CD Promo)
- Pulse "The lover that you are" (Marlon D. & George Mena Remixes)(Jellybean Soul Records CD Promo)
- Veronique "Veriations - the EP" (Wallshaker Music Records CD Promo)
- Ralf GUM featuring Rachel Claudio "If no harm" (GoGo Music Records CD Promo)
- Matthew Bandy "Human" (Revival Records CD Promo)
- Pirahnahead "Time love life" (WhasDat Music Records CD Promo)
- Bobby D'Ambrosio featuring Kelli Sae "Love forever more, Amen" (SoulFuric Records CD Promo)
- Steal Vybe "Gloria" (The Reconstructed Live Version)(Steal Vybe Records CD Promo)
- Arnaud D featuring Emroy "I won't last" (MoD Records CD Promo)
- Fuzion featuring Angel "Deeper" (Fuzion Dance Remixes)(Fuzion Records CD Promo)
- Musical Solution presents BPM featuring Pete Simpson "Sing it" (ReelGroove Records CD Promo)
- Doobie J featuring Yvonne Yanney "Sunshine" (Citrus Sound Records CD Promo)
- Island Groove & Keith Thompson "Soul surrender" Waking Monster Records CD Promo)
- Alex and Reverend P featuring Jocelyn Mathieu "Lion in a cage" (Funk La Planet Records CD Promo)
- Sonny J Mason "Life is the music" (Salted Music Records CD Promo)
- Liquid People presents Danism featuring Sean Williams "Trouble in paradise" (Tony Records CD Promo)
- Anto Vitale "Majico" (Seasons Limited Records CD Promo)
- Patrick Green featuring Manon True "L'amour" (SofiTone Records CD Promo)
- Alton Miller "Together" (Seed Records CD Promo)
- Chicago Soul Underground "WMC 2008 Sampler" (Mtima Muziki Records CD Promo)
- Toni Granello featuring Linda Lee Hopkins "Lift him up" (MapDance Records CD Promo)
- Details
- Written by: Mike Fossati
Michael Fossati
- Collective Spirits "Love Planet EP " (Camio Records CD Promo)
- Soul Oasis presents K. Joy "Like this" (CyberJamz Records CD Promo)
- Jamie Lewis & Michael Watford "It's not over (baby please)" (Purple Music Records CD Promo)
- DJ Reeplee featuring Kenny Bobien "Raise up" (Souvent Records CD Promo)
- Naked Soul featuring Glenn Underground "Muzic EP" (Music Plan Tracks Records CD Promo)
- Back To Fundamentals by Torre "Higher" (SSOH Records CD Promo)
- Jephte Guillaume featuring Wiltrud Weber "Blue and deep" (Tet Kale Records CD Promo)
- Wil Milton & Rodney Carter "Don't let go" (BlakInk Records CD Promo)
- Deepswing featuring Will Wheaton "Come on everybody" (Generate Music Records CD Promo)
- Urban Dance Institution "I miss U" (Original Mix)(UDI Records CD Promo)
- Kentphonik featuring Khensy "Hiya Kaya EP" (Stalwart Records CD Promo)
- Fuzion featuring Angel "Deeper" (Fuzion Dance Remixes)(Fuzion Records CD Promo)
- Musical Solution presents BPM featuring Pete Simpson "Sing it" (ReelGroove Records CD Promo)
- Bobby D'Ambrosio featuring Kelli Sae "Love forever more, Amen" (SoulFuric Records CD Promo)
- Pulse "The lover that you are" (Marlon D. & George Mena Remixes)(Jellybean Soul Records CD Promo)
- Heather Johnson "Pretty" (Mark Grant Mixes)(Loveslap Records CD Promo)
- Veronique "Veriations - the EP" (Wallshaker Music Records CD Promo)
- Ralf GUM featuring Rachel Claudio "If no harm" (GoGo Music Records CD Promo)
- Manchildblack "Live 4 Love" (DeepHaven Music Records CD-Promo)
- Matthew Bandy "Human" (Revival Records CD Promo)
- Pirahnahead "Time love life" (WhasDat Music Records CD Promo)
- Steal Vybe "Gloria" (The Reconstructed Live Version)(Steal Vybe Records CD Promo)
- Arnaud D featuring Emroy "I won't last" (MoD Records CD Promo)
- Doobie J featuring Yvonne Yanney "Sunshine" (Citrus Sound Records CD Promo)
- Island Groove & Keith Thompson "Soul surrender" Waking Monster Records CD Promo)
- Sonny J Mason "Life is the music" (Salted Music Records CD Promo)
- Anto Vitale "Majico" (Seasons Limited Records CD Promo)
- DJ Dealer featuring Lisa Millett "You're all I need" (Look At You Records CD Promo)
- Patrick Green featuring Manon True "L'amour" (SofiTone Records CD Promo)
- Jalal Johnson "The Pilgrimage EP" (Consortium Muzik Records CD Promo)
- Alton Miller "Together" (Seed Records CD Promo)
- Liquid People presents Danism featuring Sean Williams "Trouble in paradise" (Tony Records CD Promo)
- Alex and Reverend P featuring Jocelyn Mathieu "Lion in a cage" (Funk La Planet Records CD Promo)
- RC Groove featuring K. Ladawn "Too much 4 me" (Peppermint Jam Records CD Promo)
- Duce Martinez featuring Stephanie Cooke "Could this be love" (from the "Miami Sampler '08" on MN2S Records CD Promo)
- Chicago Soul Underground "WMC 2008 Sampler" (Mtima Muziki Records CD Promo)
- Ayro vs Spinna "Bounce" (Groovia Sound Project Records CD Promo)
- Toni Granello featuring Linda Lee Hopkins "Lift him up" (MapDance Records CD Promo)
- Fanatix "This Thing Of Ours" (BBE Records CD-R)
- Fabio Tosti & Logicalgroove featuring Randy "I got love" (Stop & Go / Music Plan Records CD Promo)